Mike & Tina
Serving in Scotland, Europe
Account #2770345
We love Scotland!
We have been fully appointed missionaries with AGWM for 14 years and have been in Scotland for nearly 10. We began in Edinburgh planting children's ministry at a church plant there and we have been in the Highlands building reputation and relationships for 5 years. Our vision is to plant churches in the Highlands to reach the 98% of the population that has never heard the simple message of the gospel. There has never been a successful Assemblies of God church plant in the area. Yes, you read that correctly! NEVER.
We also believe strongly in working with churches that are already on the ground, which is what we did the entire time we were in the Higlands (5 1/2 years). We have helped two churches in Dornoch with their children's and youth ministry. We have begun a university ministry and outreaches to the community with an eye to healing relationships between the village and the church. We also have started a children's choir which helps us to get to know families in the area. We preach at several of the churches in the immediate area and we fill in as needed for worship, etc.
Please also feel free to check out our YouTube channel: mikeandtina hook, which is where we post Newsletter videos, and/or Enlightening Kidz, our kids channel. We are also on FaceBook under IgnitedScotland. God's on the move in Scotland and we are delighted to be a part of His plan. Please feel free to contact us with any further questions that you might have.
Mike and Tina