“Be diligent in these matters [reading, preaching, teaching]; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress.” 1 Timothy 4:13,15
Please praise God with us and pray with us:
*Please pray for the professors and students in Peru. Max will be traveling February 15-24 to teach New Testament for their final week of the module.
*We were blessed to participate in the graduation ceremony at the conclusion of the module in El Salvador. We are proud of their diligence and commitment to complete their theological studies and receive a master’s degree, and we praise God for the ministry plans He has for each one of them.
Thank you!
“Ocúpate en estas cosas [la lectura, la exhortación y la enseñanza]; permanece en ellas, para que tu aprovechamiento sea manifestado a todos.” 1 Timoteo 4:13,15
Por favor, alaba al Señor con nosotros y ora con nosotros:
*Por favor, ore por los profesores y estudiantes en Perú. Max viajará del 15 hasta el 24 de febrero para enseñar Nuevo Testamento durante la semana final del módulo.
*Fuimos bendecidos al participar en la ceremonia de graduación al final del módulo en El Salvador. Estamos orgullos de su diligencia y compromiso al cumplir sus estudios teológicos y recibir el grado de maestría, y alabamos al Señor por sus planes ministeriales para cada uno de ellos.
¡Muchas gracias!
February Prayer Request
Travel safely- We have a lot of travel the first 2 weeks of the month. Pray for safety on the roads. This time of year the road conditions can be very unpredictable.
Guinea- Pray for the persecuted believers there. The Lord is moving but there are regions that are very resistant and hostile.
Budget-We have been blessed with many opportunities to share our calling and the needs in Guinea. Pray with us that as the Lord moves on people’s hearts they will say yes to partnering with us.
French- We are studying to keep up the French we learned last year. Pray for good retention and more opportunities to practice while we travel.
Kids- Matthew and Abigail both have very full academic schedules this semester. Abigail has to continue all her classes while on the road and Matthew is juggle 7 classes with work. Neither are complaining but we know both appreciate the prayers!
There are 28,000 Mogofin people and they all reside in the nation of Guinea. 99.7% are practicing Islam. Pray with us for the laborers and harvest among these people.
There's are donors (churches) that made commitments and either didn't start giving OR have stopped.
Also, there are those who increased their commitments on paper and didn't start sending in increased amounts.
Following up with these!
We need God to send angels to protect us as we travel to and from the office. We pray at the start of each trip as well!
Understanding of how to write the Children's Ministry lessons for the oral learners. We're now working to understand and research the other lessons that have been written for OLBI (oral learners Bible Institute).
Praise God that He gave us creativity for our speaking assignments at the Children's Ministry training in Bangladesh. There were 100 attendees from the churches all over the country and the current Bible school students. Good feedback from the missionary & translators.
Prayer request to believe God with us for the financial resources for crusades for the years 2024-2026
I am in need of Costa Ricans who have a heart for the kids of Costa Rica and want to be a part of the vision God has given me for Costa Rica. Would you join me in praying for the right corrections and that God would put a burden on people's heart? Thank you!! :)
I continually need to grow and expand my financial support team. This helps me get to and stay on the field to plant churches among the never-reached. Pray and ask the Lord if he is guiding you to support me financially. Pray also that others would come link arms with me financially.
I desire opportunities to share my heart, testimony, and mission with those around me. Pray that the Lord sends me Divine Encounters.
Prayer is not preparation for the battle; prayer is the battle. Thailand is spiritually dark and I need warriors behind me as we go forth to plant churches in Jesus name! Pray and ask the Lord if He is leading you to pray for me Daily/Weekly.