Asia Pacific
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serving around the world
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Prayer Request
Joe & Cyndi Martin
January prayer points: -Matthew is starting his second semester. He has 7 classes and is working so pray for good time management and rest each day. -Abigail has several BGMC and STL services she is leading throughout the month. -Travel safety: We have several trips out of Ohio this month and next. -Intineration- We are half way through of scheduled time in the states and we are 83% funded. Pray for new partners both individuals and churches to join their hearts with ours and the people of Guinea’s.
Prayer Request
Jason & Andrea Morrison
We had a record attendance for our Christmas service/children's program this year in Novi Sad. We were surprised as so many came that there were no seats left and at least 30 people standing in the isles! We are praying for consistent growth in 2025.
Prayer Request
Jason & Andrea Morrison
Our local church will be fasting and praying for unsaved friends for a week, culminating in a weekend outreach Jan 24-27 in multiple locations. Jacob Bock (Spain) will come to train our people on how to share their testimonies and we will hold special meetings for seekers.
Prayer Request
Danny & Robyn Angulo
1. A Reliable Vehicle 2. Health of our Family 3. Understanding at School 4. Miracles in our Community
Prayer Request
Jason & Andrea Morrison
At least three of the men who have given their lives to Christ at the Crossroads rehab center are still in need to psychological and emotional healing. One in particular has been on antidepressants and sleep aids since he was 5 years old. Please pray for supernatural soul care to take place. We need a gift of joy and a sound mind for these men, who have suffered so much trauma.
Prayer Request
Joe & Cyndi Martin
The Sankaran are one of the Maninka groups in Guinea. The Maninka are an oral people (75 percent non-literate) and have proved resistant to the gospel message.
Prayer Request
Gary & Jaimee Linn
There's are donors (churches) that made commitments and either didn't start giving OR have stopped. Also, there are those who increased their commitments on paper and didn't start sending in increased amounts. Following up with these!
Prayer Request
Gary & Jaimee Linn
We need God to send angels to protect us as we travel to and from the office. We pray at the start of each trip as well!
Prayer Request
Gary & Jaimee Linn
Understanding of how to write the Children's Ministry lessons for the oral learners. We're now working to understand and research the other lessons that have been written for OLBI (oral learners Bible Institute).
Prayer Request
Gary & Jaimee Linn
Praise God that He gave us creativity for our speaking assignments at the Children's Ministry training in Bangladesh. There were 100 attendees from the churches all over the country and the current Bible school students. Good feedback from the missionary & translators.
Prayer Request
Joe & Cyndi Martin
Joe and I have been asked to help facilitate a monthly cohort for our fellow missionary colleagues who are currently itinerating. This is a time of fellowship where veterans will speak into our lives and encourage new global workers as they prepare to share the gospel all over Africa. It's exciting to be a part of the Africa One House family. Pray for our next meeting this Saturday and for our missionary family as we work together to see an increasing redeemed and transformed Africa.