Please pray with us that we will raise the last $1500 in monthly support! Our deadline is drawing nearer, and we are needed back in The Gambia
Pray for wisdom and peace during the itineration process as a new missionary!
“…to prepare God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ [the Church] may be built up.” Ephesians 4:12
Please praise God with us and pray with us:
*Max returned from Peru in February praising the Lord for what he observed of God working in his students’ ministries and in the classroom. He was delighted to participate in another graduation ceremony in Peru and preach in two churches.
*Currently some Facultad students from various countries are studying Lucan Pneumatology and the History of Pentecostalism. Please pray for the students and professors. Also, between the two courses, they all celebrated one student’s graduation.
*Max will be traveling to Cuba to teach New Testament April 5 through the 14. Please pray for the students and professors. Also, please pray that there will be no new electrical problems like the ones that cancelled this class for our students a few months ago.
Thank you!
(Spanish version)
“…a fin de perfeccionar a los santos [los creyentes] para la obra del ministerio, para la edificación del cuerpo [la iglesia] de Cristo.” Efesios 4:12
Por favor, alaba al Señor con nosotros y ora con nosotros:
*Max regresó de Perú en febrero alabando al Señor por lo que observó de la obra del Señor en los ministerios y en los estudios de los estudiantes. También se deleitó al participar en la graduación en Perú y en predicar en dos iglesias.
*Ahora unos estudiantes de la Facultad de varios países están estudiando Neumatología Lucana y la Historia del Pentecostalismo. Por favor, ore por estos estudiantes y profesores. Entre los dos cursos del módulo, ellos están celebrando la graduación de un estudiante.
*Max viajará a Cuba para enseñar Nuevo Testamento desde el 5 hasta el 14 de abril. Por favor, ore por los estudiantes y profesores. También, por favor, ore para que no haya problemas eléctricos cómo los que causaron la cancelación del curso hace unos meses.
¡Muchas gracias!
-Travel: We will be in several parts of Ohio, as well as, Texas and Missouri this month. Pray for safe travels on the road and in the air.
-Fundraising: We just over 80% in both our one-time cash budget and our monthly support. Can you believe with us that we could reach 90% this this month?
-Schooling: Matthew and Abigail are both in the last quarters of this school year. Pray for excellent time management and retention of new information.
-Our Team: We have one team member on the ground currently. She could use your prayers as she is getting established in the country and building relationships, another of our team members is currently in language school. Pray for French to come quickly and accurately. Our other team members are here in the states fundraising like us. Pray they can finish the last of their budget in the coming months and that we can all arrive this summer together in Guinean.
Abigail will be traveling to Fine Arts in our home state of Ohio at the end of the month. She will be doing a short sermon, worshipping and a dramatized quoting. Can you pray that the Lord is glorified through all she does and also through all the students present.
The Wamei or the Konyagi people originated in Guinea. They migrated to Senegal and The Gambia to work in the bamboo belt, settling mainly along the major roads from Tamba to Dakar, and from Velingara to Kolda.
We need God to send angels to protect us as we travel to and from the office. We pray at the start of each trip as well!
Understanding of how to write the Children's Ministry lessons for the oral learners. We're now working to understand and research the other lessons that have been written for OLBI (oral learners Bible Institute).
Prayer request to believe God with us for the financial resources for crusades for the years 2024-2026
I am in need of Costa Ricans who have a heart for the kids of Costa Rica and want to be a part of the vision God has given me for Costa Rica. Would you join me in praying for the right corrections and that God would put a burden on people's heart? Thank you!! :)
I continually need to grow and expand my financial support team. This helps me get to and stay on the field to plant churches among the never-reached. Pray and ask the Lord if he is guiding you to support me financially. Pray also that others would come link arms with me financially.
I desire opportunities to share my heart, testimony, and mission with those around me. Pray that the Lord sends me Divine Encounters.