Pray that I am able to connect with new churches and build new, strong, and lasting relationships with the people there.
Pray that I will find people and churches that believe in the vision of The Healing Cup and that they will partner financially.
“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a worker who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15
Please praise God with us and pray with us:
*This month the Facultad’s 3-week module takes place in El Salvador. The courses include Hermeneutics & Exegesis; History, Literature & Theology of the Old Testament; and also of the New Testament. We are grateful to celebrate with the students graduating at the end of the month. The students and the professors appreciate your prayers.
Thank you!
(Spanish version)
“Procura con diligencia presentarte a Dios aprobado, como obrero que no tiene de qué avergonzarse, que usa bien la palabra de verdad.” 2 Timoteo 2:15
Por favor, alaba al Señor con nosotros y ora con nosotros:
*Este mes el módulo de la Facultad se lleva a cabo en El Salvador. Los cursos incluyen Hermenéutica y Exégesis; Historia, Literatura y Teología del Antiguo Testamento; y también del Nuevo Testamento. Estamos agradecidos al celebrar con los estudiantes que se gradúan al fin de este mes. Los estudiantes y los profesores aprecian sus oraciones.
¡Muchas gracias!
January prayer points:
-Matthew is starting his second semester. He has 7 classes and is working so pray for good time management and rest each day.
-Abigail has several BGMC and STL services she is leading throughout the month.
-Travel safety: We have several trips out of Ohio this month and next.
-Intineration- We are half way through of scheduled time in the states and we are 83% funded. Pray for new partners both individuals and churches to join their hearts with ours and the people of Guinea’s.
1. A Reliable Vehicle
2. Health of our Family
3. Understanding at School
4. Miracles in our Community
The number of Wassulu Christians is believed to be a very small percentage of the population. Christians of other people groups live among the Wassulu in some regions, but often there are cultural barriers that inhibit a natural sharing of the gospel.
There's are donors (churches) that made commitments and either didn't start giving OR have stopped.
Also, there are those who increased their commitments on paper and didn't start sending in increased amounts.
Following up with these!
We need God to send angels to protect us as we travel to and from the office. We pray at the start of each trip as well!
Understanding of how to write the Children's Ministry lessons for the oral learners. We're now working to understand and research the other lessons that have been written for OLBI (oral learners Bible Institute).
Praise God that He gave us creativity for our speaking assignments at the Children's Ministry training in Bangladesh. There were 100 attendees from the churches all over the country and the current Bible school students. Good feedback from the missionary & translators.
Pray for a new church building! Pastor Pierre has been looking for a new space as the church continues to grow. We want to continue partnering together and hope to open a cafe in our new space. Along with my young adults we are dreaming about opening this cafe together. The dream is to provide a safe space where students and nonbelievers can come to study, have coffee, work, enjoy events and even be a meeting place for our group. For that we need finances and the location!
pray for me as I travel for itineration. praying for connections and ways to come alongside pastors and churches in this season.
My leaders have stepped in to lead the group as they are mentored and championed by Pastor Pierre. My heart for the group this year is that they would double in depth with the Lord and with one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. Would others be attracted to what God is doing in and through our group.