Esdras & Michelle


Natalia & Celeste

Serving in Brazil, Latin America Caribbean

We have been given the incredible privilege of starting and directing King's Castle* in BRAZIL, to share the best NEWS on earth with students, that "Jesus saves, heals, baptizes in the Holy Spirit and is coming soon,” and they are responding!  Psalms 145:4 says, "Let each generation tell its CHILDREN of your mighty acts; let them proclaim your power."  King's Castle engages young people to take up this cause, to make sure its GENERATION hears the most important NEWS of eternity.  Our Jerusalem is Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, but our prayer (and what we have already begun to see) is that Brazilian youth respond to the call of God, and join His team to spread the NEWS to the uttermost ends of the earth, which will include the many UNREACHED tribes in Brazil. 


Brazil is not completely reached or discipled.  Brazil is the 5th largest nation in the world.  There are over 65 unreached tribes in the Amazon, and the majority of this generation in Brazil is most familiar with idol worship, the worship of and conjuring of the dead, demonic and/or cult doctrines, and religion without relationship with a Savior.  Although we were, and still are, willing to go anywhere, we are sure of our call to Brazil.  We arrived in Brazil for the first time in December 2010 and we completed our first term in August 2014. We returned to Brazil in December 2015, and continue to see God raise up this generation.  We have partnered with local churches since 2012, and together with an amazing team, trained hundreds of students for evangelism (ministering in streets, schools, hospitals, juvenile prisons, etc), started dozens of children's discipleship groups targeting unchurched children, directed dozens of camps for children and youth, and led teams of youth to minister in many other nations. 


Since 2016, our team has trained ministers for this generation through the Impact UC School of Ministry, and have hosted students from many countries who have returned to impact their nations.  We also work with the King’s Castle International Network to help launch this effective children's ministry in the Amazon and in other nations.  In October 2024, the Lord led our team to start a church in Nova Iguaçu with leaders and staff, most who completed three years of Impact SOM.  We are excited to see Jesus changing lives and families, and we continue in our commitment to reach and disciple the next generation.  Our vision is to see others who have finished Impact SOM also plant churches with this same King's Castle DNA.


We couldn't do any of this without an incredible team of partners in the US, supporting us with prayer, finances and teams, and a team of young Brazilian and international team members serving with King's Castle Brazil.  We love what God has called us to do in Brazil, and at the end of the day, and our life on earth, we just want to hear the voice of our Father saying, "well done, good and faithful servants.”  



Previously, we worked on staff at Bethel A/G, Clovis, NM, starting a Spanish ministry and as Associate Pastors.  Esdras was born in El Salvador and raised in a committed Christian family.  He had an early call to the ministry, but strayed for a time during his teenage years.  King's Castle - El Salvador had a huge impact on his returning to a right relationship with the Lord, brought back to remembrance the call he felt as a child, and provided hands on training for ministry.  After completing a year of Master's Commission with King's Castle, he continued to prepare for ministry by completing Bible College and simultaneously serving in ministry as Youth Pastor and later Associate Pastor in a local church, as well as in short-term missions.


Michelle grew up as a Pastor's Kid, with parents who were godly examples and made it easy for her to love people, ministry and missions.  She also felt a call to missions at an early age and felt God confirm time and again when missionaries would share at her home church, at Arizona youth camps and during various AIM trips.  After graduating from SAGU, she taught 8th Grade for a year, then went out as a Missionary Associate, serving Revs. Don and Terri Triplett, King's Castle in El Salvador and Nicaragua.  During the last year of service in Nicaragua, Esdras and Michelle reconnected, and after getting permission from their leaders, begin a relationship.  After finishing their commitments, they married in 2004 and begin 6 years of ministry in the US.  They have two beautiful daughters, Natalia and Celeste, and a baby boy, Aaron, awaiting them in heaven!


*King's Castle was founded by Revs. Don and Terri Triplett, missionaries and Executive Directors of King's Castle in El Salvador and founders of the King's Castle International Association.  They have influenced a generation for the cause of Christ and the Great Commission!  We are grateful to them for allowing us to share in God's vision and strategy for reaching and discipling children, and to give teens a purpose, through King's Castle International, with independent King's Castle ministries in over 30 countries.


FB:  Castelo do Rei A/D Brasil

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King's Castle Brazil Training Center

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Initial phase to purchase land for building a training center for evangelism, discipleship and missions camps.