

Serving in Japan, Asia Pacific

Account #2A39746

PO Box 724
Skiatook, OK 74070

Justin Canavan has been an AGWM Missionary to Japan since 2019, serving a total of three years in country. He served in Young Adults and media ministry at two vibrant, growing, Holy-Spirit empowered international churches and in partnership with Asia Pacific Media. God grew both churches exponentially and he saw people from Japan, Mongolia, and Northern Asia come to know Jesus! And he believes God wants to do so much more in this next term! For his second term, he feels like God has called him to help plant a local Chi Alpha out of ICA Tokyo Church (a vibrant, growing international church-located in the heart of Tokyo) to reach the 27,000 college students across the street at the University of Tokyo. This is part of a strategic, Holy Spirit-empowered plan to grow the local church and continue reaching the over 124 million who do not know Jesus in Japan. Further, he plans to continue working with Asia Pacific Media in resourcing and training Japanese churches in media ministry and digital outreach.


Learn more at https://canavaninjapan.com/.

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