Doug & Susan


Serving in LAC Strategic Network, Latin America Caribbean

Account #2259620

PO Box 743031
Boynton Beach, FL 33474

Doug & Susan Sayers

Assemblies of God World Missionaries

Latin America/Caribbean


Doug Sayers served as the District Youth Director for the Pennsylvania-Delaware District of the Assemblies of God for 29 years.  His experience in developing and leading thousands of students and leaders while traveling extensively in the district, across the nation, and around the world as a communicator for leadership conferences, retreats, camps, conventions, missions, and church services was God’s preparation for his next. 

He and Susan resigned as District Youth Director to pursue God’s leading to challenge this generation to be leaders around the world.  When you may not know where your life is going, "HE DOES!"   Could it be that God has a place for you in missions...? Our hearts are to raise leaders and to catalyze youth ministries around the world.  This pursuit has grown to include working with pastors in church leadership development, church planting & revitalization with Assemblies of God World Missions in Latin America/Caribbean and beyond. 


Doug enjoys a good Netflix binge, playing the piano but can also be found on the golf course.  Susan, a Special Education teacher enjoys being in the kitchen, reading, writing, and caring for her family.  Developing strong relationships is the foundation of everything they do, both in ministry and personally. 


Doug and his wife Susan have been married and involved in ministry together for over thirty years. They are the parents of two grown children and grandparents to their first grandson Zion.  Their daughter Jaclyn and her husband Chancellor Dix are pastors planting Collab.Church in Miami, Florida.  Their son Chad and wife Emily live in Miami, FL.  Chad works as an Electrical Engineer and Emily teaches at a Charter School.  They both serve at Collab.Church.  


Thank you for your prayers and support.


Please pray with us as we step into this new ministry assignment 

"for such a time as this."


Secret Info:

Doug & Susan believe that - Church planting is the “America Ninja Warrior” of the church world.




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