Jeremy & Tina


Amelia, Evelyn, Rowan

Serving in Indonesia, Asia Pacific

Indonesia is the fourth largest country in the world by population and is home to more Muslims than most of the Middle East combined. With over 17,000 islands and hundreds of languages and people groups, this diverse and distant nation has remained a difficult place to reach with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Jeremy and Tina Skinner have always felt called to take the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth (Acts 1:8). Their heart is for Never-Reached People Groups who have never had an effective Gospel witness among them; never one believer or church. They believe these people groups have waited long enough!

The Skinners moved to Indonesia in 2015 and served as Missionary Associates in an English outreach center and campus ministry on the Island of Java. Since 2018, as career missionaries living on the Island of Sumatra, they have focused on BUILDING a Christ-centered and missional community of disciples, REACHING Never-Reached people and places by sending workers where the Gospel has never been, and DEVELOPING a missions sending organization within the national Assemblies of God for lasting impact in fulfilling the Great Commission.



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