Stuart & Wendy


Serving in CompassionLink, International Ministries

Stuart and Wendy Brown are celebrating 20+ years of missionary service!

Stuart works in the Sustainable Development area at CompassionLink. He is part of a team of dedicated consultants who partner with field personnel, community leaders, and pastors to create and restore healthy communities around the globe. Stuart is involved with numerous projects such as water filtration, hydroponics, square-meter gardening, solar cooking systems, and much more.

Wendy serves as International Ministries' Regional Missionary Trainer preparing new global workers for lifelong learning and service. 

Previously, Stuart and Wendy served with Teen Challenge Mexico (Reto a la Juventud) in Mexico City. They preached and taught at Teen Challenge regularly and other venues by invitation. Stuart loved playing futbol with the guys weekly and Wendy enjoyed teaching ESL every Saturday. 

Before that, Stuart and Wendy directed New Vision Children's Home in Christiana, Jamaica as well as taught at the Assemblies of God Bible College.

Check out the links to the left to learn more about Stuart and Wendy and their current ministry endeavors. 

International Ministries


Globally Engaged/Globally Assigned

Serving the World



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