Daniel and Khuyen
Peter and Grace
Serving in Cambodia, Asia Pacific
Account #2890507
- Home: 2699457646
- Cell: (269)945-7646
Reaching the Unreached in Cambodia
We are the Bryner family. Daniel, Khuyen, Peter and Grace. We have been serving in Cambodia since May of 2019. We are currently raising funds to start our second 4 year term.
What makes us unique?
Khuyen was born in a Buddhist family in Vietnam and led to the Lord by AG missionaries.
We are working among the 1 million Vietnamese in Cambodia
Khuyen is reaching her own people. She is a Vietnamese reaching Vietnamese.
The people we are reaching are extremely poor and have very little access to the gospel.
Khuyen’s Story: My wife Khuyen was born in Vietnam and raised in a Buddhist family. For most of her life growing up, she had never heard the gospel. But when she was in college, Assemblies of God missionaries came and led her to the Lord. She began getting involved in ministry and took many trips to remote villages in Vietnam where they saw many come to Christ. She also translated all the study notes in the Fire Bible into Vietnamese. Khuyen was led to the Lord by missionaries and now God has called her to be a missionary and take the gospel back to her own people, the Vietnamese in Cambodia.
The Need: There are about 1 million Vietnamese living in Cambodia and that is the group that we are working among. The Vietnamese in Cambodia are extremely poor and extremely unreached. We estimate that 1 out of 600 in this group has a personal relationship with Christ. Most of them have never heard the good news of Jesus Christ!
Our Ministry: As we work among the Vietnamese in Cambodia, we help them in practical ways, build relationships, and share about Christ. In 2022, together with a local believer, God helped us start a house church which meets in two Vietnamese communities. Our dream is to one day see many churches planted among the Vietnamese in Cambodia and to see many lives radically transformed just as God has transformed Khuyen’s life!
Videos: See below.
Email: danielmbryner @outlook.org
For more info visit our website: s1.ag.org/bryner
Watch this video
For more info, visit our website: https://agmd.org/u/thebryners
Watch this video
Watch this video